Presentations and Publications

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Legal Implications of the Capitol Riot on Employment
A Law360 article discussing the broad legal rights employers have to terminate employees involved in the Capitol riots, examining the intersection of employment law and off-duty conduct. Read More

Understanding Your Job Contract 2023
This presentation for UMCP Grad students by Joyce E. Smithey explains employment contracts, focusing on terms, responsibilities, compensation, benefits, and legal implications of non-compete agreements. Read More

Workplace Rights Outside of Work 2020
A DC Bar Continuing Legal Education session led by Diane A. Seltzer Torre, Joyce E. Smithey, and Jane Lemley Rasmussen discussing the legal boundaries of employer actions regarding employees’ activities outside of work, including political activities and social justice involvement. Read More

Employment Contracts Workshop 2020
A comprehensive guide by Joyce E. Smithey, presented at the University of Maryland, detailing the components and implications of employment contracts for graduate students, including terms of employment, non-compete clauses, and severance provisions. Read More

Maryland Employment Law Legislative Wrap-Up 2020
This presentation by Joyce E. Smithey covers the key changes in Maryland’s employment law for 2020, focusing on the state’s version of the WARN Act, which includes specific provisions for layoffs, the impact on employers, and comparisons with federal laws. Read More

Marijuana in the Workplace: Legal Implications and Regulations
This presentation explores the intersection of marijuana legalization and workplace regulations, focusing on Maryland’s drug testing laws, ADA accommodations, and the evolution of state and federal laws concerning marijuana. It includes perspectives from legal experts like Glendora Hughes and Joyce Smithey, and discusses case law developments across various states. Read More

The Daily Record has named Smithey Law Group LLC as a recipient of a 2023 Empowering Women Award
Read more about the award and honorees.

Joyce Smithey will be one of the speakers at the D.C. Bar’s CLE presentation
“Changing Currents in Employment Law 2020”

Join us for this fast-paced, popular annual program on cutting-edge issues and the changing nature of employment law. Leading employment practitioners from both sides of the aisle will explain the law, and give practice pointers on how employment cases are litigated and issues are dealt with in federal and state courts. This program is a must for employment law practitioners and those interested in the field. This year’s panels include: Read More.

Joyce Smithey will be speaking at an upcoming CLE in February
You can find more information on this seminar by clicking here

Joyce Smithey will be speaking at MWLEA’s Luncheon Seminar:

Strategies for Sexual Harassment Cases in the #MeToo Era on November 5th.  More details about the event can be found here

Joyce Smithey will be one of three speakers at the D.C. Bar’s CLE presentation “It Didn’t Happen At Work:  Can They Fire Me Anyway?”
being held on September 23, 2019 at 6:00pm.
Read the presentation here

Pros And Cons Of Using Personality Tests In Hiring Process (by Joyce Smithey and Reuben Wolfson)(
Read the article here.

“Marijuana in the Workplace”
See the Presentation here.

“Personality and Integrity Tests for Hiring and Promoting Employees”
Read the article here.

“Representing the Accused in the Me Too Era” – (Maryland Bar Journal Magazine, January 2019)
Read the article here.

“Employment Contracts Presentation” – Joyce Smithey’s presentation at the University of Maryland
Graduate Legal Services for UMCP Grad Student
Gradulting Workshop Series Spring 2019 Workshops
March 5, 2019 at 12:30 pm
By Joyce E. Smithey, Esq.
View the presentation here.

MELA 14th Annual Conference – Joyce Smithey will be speaking on the subject “Sexual Harassment Law and Litigation in the Era of ‘Me Too'”
Maryland Employment Lawyers Association’s 14th Annual Conference
Friday, November 30, 2018.
8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Crowne Plaza
6400 Ivy Lane,  Greenbelt, MD 20770
View the presentation here.

Joyce is moderating the Maryland Association for Justice’s “Proving Emotional Distress” panel (June 12, 2018) Register here.

Employment Law Institute presentation regarding 2018 Legislative Law Updates with Sally Dworak-Fisher, Esq. (April 2018) Read the presentation here.

“Rule 30(b)(6) Depositions Breakfast Talk” at the Maryland Association for Justice Read the presentation here.

“Employees with Traumatic Brain Injuries” Trial Reporter Spring 2016: The Challenge of Returning to Work Read the article here.

“A Peek into the Minds of Arbitrators” at the American Bar Association Employment Rights and Responsibilities Committee Midwinter Meeting in New Orleans.
Read the presentation here.

“Summary Judgement Practice.” Maryland Employment Lawyers Association’s Conference in Greenbelt, Maryland.
See program here

Maryland Rules Commentary“Employment Rights for Employees Living with Mental Illness”
– By Joyce E. Smithey – Trial Reporter – Winter 2015
Read the article here

“MSBA Maryland Employment Law Deskbook”
– Joyce E. Smithey, Contributing Author
Purchase here.

“Modified Work Schedules under the ADA”
– By Joyce E. Smithey and Betina Miranda – FBA – Labor & Employment Law Section Newsletter – Spring 2014
Read the article here.

“Data Safety in the Workplace”
– By Joyce Smithey – Maryland Bar Bulletin)
Read the article here.

Joyce Smithey presents “Employment Law Update” to Maryland Association of CPA’s.
Read the presentation here.

Joyce Smithey presents “Employment Rights for Employees Living with Cancer” at Wellness House of Annapolis.
Read the presentation here.

Joyce Smithey presents “Ten Tips to Avoid Employer Liability” to Kiwanis Club.
Read the presentation here.

Joyce Smithey presents “Restrictive Covenants and Software Engineers” at Intellectual Property Series.
Read the presentation here.

Joyce Smithey presents “Employment and Labor Law Issues Arising in Corporate Transactions” at State Capital Group U.S. Meeting.
Read the presentation here.

Joyce Smithey invited to participate in SmartCEO’s Baltimore Attorneys Roundtable 2013.
Read the invite here.

Joyce Smithey presents “Effective Mediation Strategies” at Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD, 120th Annual Meeting and Law Day Celebration.
Read the presentation here.

Maryland Rules Commentary, Fourth Edition” (By Paul v. Niemeyer, Linda M. Schuett, and Joyce E. Smithey)
Purchase the book here.

A recent article written by Lisa WalkerEsquire in the Trial Reporter.

Labor & Employment Law Section Program: Maryland Employment Laws Legislative Wrap-up for 2020 | Maryland State Bar Association – MSBA
Labor & Employment Law Section Program: Maryland Employment Laws Legislative Wrap-up for 2020

Mini Law School for HR Professionals | Live Online Seminar | 86650ER | NBI
Attend a live online seminar to hear faculty present content specific to your state and earn continuing legal education credit to satisfy your continuing legal education requirements for only $359.00

Legal Summit Series: The Rights and Responsibilities of Employees with Hidden Disabilities | Maryland State Bar Association – MSBA
Join the MSBA Labor and Employment Law Section for a livestream of the Legal Summit Series: The Rights and Responsibilities of Employees with Hidden Disabilities on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.. The program will explore the rights of employees with disabilities that cannot be seen and the corresponding obligations of employers in interacting with them.